Bug Fixing


Being Open Source software and free to download and modify, by default it is bug free software. But while customizing its core files, installing plugins having buggy codes and making other changes, there are ample chances to introduce bugs.

The most common Magento errors and bugs reported are:
-Database connectivity error
-Maximum Execution Time Exceeds error
-Internal Server error
-Secure Connection error
-‘Can not modify header information, headers already sent’ error
-‘Failed to open stream’ error
-Syntax error
-403 Forbidden error
-404 Page Not Found error
-Erroneous HTML
-Memory Exhausted
-Disc space exhausted error
-White Screen of Death error
-Wrongly configured permalink
-Image Upload Issue
-Not receiving Emails
-RSS Feeds error
-SSL / HTTPS issue error
-Poorly configured redirection error
-Folder Permission settings error
-Failed to load Resource

These kind of errors are often observed with every custom change or plugin installed, for which we at MassMage have a highly experienced team of customized developers who take care of all these, fixes bugs and make sure to bring the Magento website bug free.

Once task is delegated to us, you can rest assured that the website will be bugs free much before than the estimated time and cost.


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