As per statistics, Magento has over 31% of the website market share on internet having active blogs and websites that is easy to us and manage. The most simplest way to download, install and integrate, Magento is a powerful Content Management System (CMS) that is used by most to show content of their website and manage it from the back end administration panel.
SEO & search marketing news and chatter from Seofy. As well as these existing tools, we’re in the unique position.

Extension Development
Magento CMS is installed with the default theme and plugins. Magento themes and plugins keep on updating themselves highly frequently to keep themselves up-to-date with the latest technology and requirements. Theme and plugins can be changed/updated later on as per the required design and features. There are many free and commercial themes and plugins available to integrate with Magento . Once theme is integrated, free and commercial plugins can be installed to enhance various features and capabilities of Magento CMS/Website.

Theme design and integration
Magento provides default themes and plug-ins for most of the features that are required for all professional and personal activities needed to run a website. Still there are many a features that requires customized changes for the users and visitors to use the website. Magento has highly flexible & scalable architecture to make customize changes.

As it is said “First Impression is the Last Impression”, is true for a website also. The first impression of a website is adjudged by the visitor by judging its page’s loading speed. As soon as the page loads the chances of a user to stays and visit more pages of the website increases many fold. Irrespective of visitor’s interest, if the pages loads faster, the visitor set to stay longer within the website. This in turn increases the chances of converting visitor to the user of the website many fold.

While creating a Magento website for any purpose, one of the top priorities is to build it to reach to the maximum visitors. Along with the website content, the type, format and architecture of the content is equally important. This helps the website to show at the top of the search engine results.

In today’s world, we can analyse that more then half of the world population have active smart phones. Out of these, there is a sizeable number of users who have never used a computer but are using a smart phone. They prefer to see and access every information through their smart phone. In such scenario, if an App. is not in vision for a website, it becomes first priority to make a website responsive at the very first stage while conceptualizing the development of a website.

W3C Validation
A W3C Validator validates and certifies a webpage’s DOM structure. W3C Validation certification for a website pages is considered as much important as the purpose of creating a website. With the other considerations for a website like website content, page looks and being user friendly, W3C Validation is equally important, as it helps to scale higher rank when the related information is searched by a user using a search engine.

Bug Fixing
While using Magento , there is always a concern of getting site infected with malicious code. Being an open source software, understanding its structure, modifying it and injecting it to be part of other Magento websites is a usual practice of hackers.
Magento and its plugins being quick installation usage kit that is completely installed on local storage, understanding & modification of its core files is very easy for a professional. But this invites possibilities of creating malicious code that can be used to infect other Magento website.

Support & maintanance
Being Open Source software and free to download and modify, by default it is bug free software. But while customizing its core files, installing plugins having buggy codes and making other changes, there are ample chances to introduce bugs.